I mean: come on, he’s *still* puffing Putin as this 'great guy.’ And he starts doing it *again*, right after kneeling down before Congress to sign a sanctions bill he says he’s *against.* And with the FBI and the US intel agencies and the press and a GOP Congress, for chrissakes, breathing down his neck about *proven* Russian penetration of US national security.
All that, non-stop: and kissing Putin’s ass is still boilerplate in this man’s day planner? Any other president would have made a point of throwing Putin under the bus, publicly and regularly, if only for the purpose of political survival.
But not Trump. He’s scared to death of Putin, and rightly so. If there’s one person in the world who can eject him from the Oval Office at will, it’s not some pissed-off WH leaker or some US intel chief or Mueller: it’s Vlad, the guy who penetrated the Trump operation before Trump was even elected.
Any time the President of the US does something that even annoys the Russian oligarchy: Putin’s got any number of knives he can twist, just to remind Trump who’s boss. Putin and his intel people have already got more knives than the Swiss Army, more than they’ll ever need to use to control this president’s week...
...and his foreign policy. We just better pray that Putin won’t ever come to the conclusion that a nuclear exchange with North Korea ‘would be a *good* thing.'